Letter from Saphir - November 1st, 2020

Fae City, Elaria
November 1st, 2020

Dear citizens of Elaria,

Long, strange, sad; those are the only kind of adjectives I can find to match the year that passed. The pandemic has affected us all, and myself more than I thought it would. Despite all this, I hope Elaria managed to stay far from the realities of the world, and to bring you some comfort in your hardships, whichever they may have been this year. For me, it has. Seeing you enjoy Tilia together, or just talk to each other, has brought me some of the joy I was missing, and I hope nothing will change in that regard. At first, I was planning on writing this letter on Thanksgiving day, because I can't thank you enough for being a part of this community, of our community. How Elaria has grown since our adventure started by catching Pokémon on another server! We're now an amazing community, on its cozy island that keeps on welcoming new players, new people, and I hope it will keep growing and bringing joy to more and more people.

Tilia has seen a bunch of updates since last year, she even got a new artwork! Monthly events are a good way to get these last Pokémon you need of a certain type, the class system allowed you to get the shiny version of your favorite Pokémon, and though the development of the new website stalled because of a lack of time, the API allowed Quas to make Bilia even better and to create or better his own tools to make your Tilia experience all the more enjoyable. Now, Generation VI is just around the corner, with its Mega Evolved forms (don't forget Seaking!), the ability to nickname your Pokémon, and a new attempt at making the game fair for everyone.

I know Project: Space Phoenix has been looking quite abandoned since it was first announced, and alpha testers haven't had much to test yet, but believe me, a lot of work is already going in it, my (well nicknamed) friend Phoenixya has done an amazing job designing the battle system, though it's not completely finished yet, and helped a lot with the overall modelization of the game the past week. I hope there will be more to test by the end of the year, but it's a pretty substantial and time-consuming enterprise, so please be patient, and I promise I'll do my utmost to make your wait worthwhile.

Finally, as you know, thanks to Dylan, we now have a forum, and I hope you will spend times on it as good as those you spend on Discord. I'm sure the forum team has a few events in mind already, so don't hesitate to go see what it looks like, you don't even need to create an account, just log in with Discord! Making new things for you to enjoy is always a pleasure for me, and I'm sure it's the case for all of the Elaria staff members as well. 

Once again, thank you for being part of our community. This year more than ever, you are what makes Elaria the best island in the world.

Best regards,
Elaria Administrator.

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Date added:
11/01/2020 1:28 PM
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