Tilia Rules

Tilia is a game, and as such, should be fun for everyone. Here are some rules that help ensuring it is the case.

Do not guess the Pokémon.

Technical difficulties might prevent the image from loading in Discord when a new Pokémon spawns. Should this happen, do not try to guess the Pokémon, nor open the image in a browser.

Guessing the name of a Pokémon before it appears in Discord can lead to the Pokémon being deleted, and your account temporarily blocked from playing.

Do not exploit bugs, report them instead.

Though the game was developed with great care, some bugs might still exist. Should you find one, please report it by making a ticket here and informing Tilia moderators about it.

Exploiting bugs can lead to your account being temporarily or permanently blocked, or to it being reset to this of a new player. In the most serious cases, this can lead to you getting banned from the Elaria server.

Be a good sport.

It'll make everything more agreeable for everyone. If someone did better than you this time, congratulate them instead of trying to make them feel bad about it. Maybe you'll do better than them next time.

Do not trick people.

Do not force other players to catch a Pokémon, for example by asking a question of which the answer is the name of the currently spawned Pokémon.

Do not beg.

If some people have more Pokémon than you, they don't owe you anything. Don't ask other players for something unilaterally.

Do not cheat.

Obviously, cheating is not allowed, and getting any advantage through an abnormal use of the game will lead to sanctions.

Cheating can lead to your account being temporarily or permanently blocked, or to it being reset to this of a new player. In the most serious cases, this can lead to you getting banned from the Elaria server.

The moderators are the law.

If a moderator or a Tilia moderator informs you that something you did is not allowed, then it's not allowed. If you disagree with a moderator's judgement, please contact an administrator.


Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
09/07/2019 8:46 AM
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