Requesting a refund
If you purchased an item by mistake, you can request a refund, as long as it remains exceptional.
Please note however that Black Cards cannot be refunded.
If you want a refund for an item you bought with discount money, disregard the rest of this article and ask a Tilia moderator.
Refunds by a Tilia Moderator
If you want a refund for the following items, please ask a Tilia moderator:
- Evo, Soothe, Moss or Ice Candy
- Shiny, Dusk or Dawn Stone, or Everstone
- Devolution Spray
- Star Chip
- Daily Reset Card
- Lottery Ticket
Refunds by the Tilia Administrator
If you want a refund for another item, please submit a ticket: click here to create a Refund Request ticket.
Please use the following template in the message of your ticket:
Full Discord username (e.g. Saphir#0001): Date and time of purchase (with timezone): Item purchased: Quantity purchased: Total amount to be refunded:Please keep in mind that refunds are exceptional, and may be denied, or the amount refunded reduced, if requested too frequently.