Rotom's Quest - June 2020


Catch 100 Fire-Type Pokémon!

Please note that for technical reasons, only the type of the Pokémon's normal form is taken into account. For example, Alolan Vulpix is considered a Fire-Type Pokémon.


The quest ends on June 30th, 2020.


Rewards will be distributed at the end of the quest.

  • Players who contributed to the quest (who caught at least one Fire-Type Pokémon) will earn 1,000 Corda Bucks.
  • Players who contributed to the quest (who caught at least one Fire-Type Pokémon) will earn a Small Corda Balls Pack.

The real rewards are if the quest is complete!

  • If the quest is complete: all players will earn 1,000 Corda Bucks.
  • If the quest is complete: all players will earn a Small Corda Balls Pack.
  • If the quest is complete: players who contributed to the quest (who caught at least one Fire-Type Pokémon) will earn three days of Premium.
  • If the quest is complete: one of the players who contributed to the quest (who caught at least one Fire-Type Pokémon), chosen randomly, will receive a Cherish Ball containing a Rotom. This month, it will be a Heat form Rotom!

Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
06/14/2020 11:12 AM
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